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\$basket_name: 18_116_24_238_ec2_18_116_24_238_us_east_2_compute_amazonaws_com
\$query_basket: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `18_116_24_238_ec2_18_116_24_238_us_east_2_compute_amazonaws_com` ( `baskets_id` SMALLINT( 5 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `baskets_items_id` SMALLINT( 5 ) NOT NULL , `baskets_quantity` SMALLINT( 5 ) NOT NULL ) ENGINE = MYISAM CHARACTER SET cp1250 COLLATE cp1250_czech_cs
\$query_under: SELECT sorts_menu_under FROM sorts WHERE sorts_id=0
\$query: SELECT sorts_id, sorts_name, sorts_menu_under, sorts_href, sorts_images FROM sorts ORDER BY sorts_menu_priority
HP Basic Carrying Case

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Číslo produktu: 221
Kategorie: Příslušenství
Výrobce: HP
Na skladě: 0ks (Dodání do 3dnů)
Cena: 392,-
The HP Basic Notebook Case is light and durable and it incorporates high-density foam and cushioning
to protect your notebook while traveling. The HP Basic Notebook Case can accommodate
notebooks with screens up to 15.4" (39.12 cm).

Dimensions (H x W x D): 32.51 x 41.9 x 10.2 cm

Weight: 0.90 kg
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