Tel: +420 723 862 361
\$basket_name: 44_210_149_218_ec2_44_210_149_218_compute_1_amazonaws_com
\$query_basket: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `44_210_149_218_ec2_44_210_149_218_compute_1_amazonaws_com` ( `baskets_id` SMALLINT( 5 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `baskets_items_id` SMALLINT( 5 ) NOT NULL , `baskets_quantity` SMALLINT( 5 ) NOT NULL ) ENGINE = MYISAM CHARACTER SET cp1250 COLLATE cp1250_czech_cs
\$query: SELECT sorts_id, sorts_name, sorts_menu_under, sorts_href, sorts_images FROM sorts ORDER BY sorts_menu_priority
\$query: SELECT i.items_id, i.items_name, i.items_description, SUM(inv.inventory_quantity), inv.inventory_delivery, MAX(inv.inventory_price), im.images_path FROM items i, images im, inventory inv, sorts s WHERE (i.items_id = inv.inventory_items_id AND i.items_visibility = 1 AND i.items_images_id = im.images_id AND (s.sorts_id ="188" OR s.sorts_id ="188") AND s.sorts_id = i.items_sorts_id) GROUP BY i.items_id ORDER BY MAX(inv.inventory_price)
USB zařízení
1 Počet položek :

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axago HUE-19 externí 4x USB2.0 ufo hub
axago HUE-19 externí 4x USB2.0 ufo hub

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Bluetooth Mini USB, class 2, EDR 2.1
Bluetooth Mini USB, class 2, EDR 2.1

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Star HUB 2.0, 4x USB2.0 port
MSI Star HUB 2.0, 4x USB2.0 port, black, blister

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Bluetooth USB Vista V2.0
Bluetooth USB Vista V2.0

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APACER USB Hub PH151 Black
APACER USB Hub PH151 Black

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APACER USB Hub PH151, Orange
APACER USB Hub PH151, Orange

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ALI USB key BTD-03,USB Bluetooth™ V2.0 C ...
ALI USB key BTD-03,USB Bluetooth™ V2.0 Class 10m.

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APACER USB Hub PH150 - otočný
APACER USB Hub PH150 - otočný

Warning: getimagesize(shop/image_small/213504_0a_3.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/www/virtuals/elektrico_cz/html/shop/image_corection.php on line 3
AXAGO - ADSA-50 USB2.0 - eSATA adapter
AXAGO - ADSA-50 USB2.0 - eSATA adapter
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